Nicole Legg

Nicole Legg, MA, Assessing Clinician

Assessing Clinician

Those seeking thorough and precise psychoeducational assessments (e.g., learning difficulties, ADHD) and psychodiagnostic assessments (e.g., anxiety, depression, trauma, personality) are a great fit with Nicole’s expertise. Nicole is pleased to  to provide answers and guidance to clients seeking clarity about important life questions and decisions:

  • Do I/ my child meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD?
  • What are the types of post-secondary studies that will be a better fit for me/
    my child?
  • Are there things I can do at work or school that will help me to be more effective or successful?
  • Does my child’s learning and abilities equate to a Learning Disability, such as
    a specific deficit in math or reading? How about Dyslexia?
  • Is there anything about how my child learns or remember or thinks that will help me
    parent them more effectively?
  • Is there anything about how I learn or remember or think that will help me with my relationship?
  • How do I play to my strengths in life?
  • What are the best treatment options & resources to help me/my child live a fulfilled & happy life
  • Does what I/my child experience meet the criteria for depression or anxiety?
  • How can I improve my mental health?
  • Where do I go from here to improve my life?

Nicole takes great care to ensure that she fully understands her clients’ experiences and believes that clients are the experts on themselves. She’s honoured to provide a collaborative assessment experience and aims for each of her clients to leave their assessment experience feeling empowered, knowledgeable, and validated.

Nicole received her Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Victoria (UVic) and is currently completing her PhD in Clinical Psychology at UVic. Here at VPC, she provides exceptional psychometrician services alongside our Registered Psychologists to deliver exceptional assessments. Nicole enjoys providing mental health and wellness education talks in the community and when delivering therapeutic interventions, she specializes in providing therapy to clients who engage in high-risk behaviours.



  • Psychometry for psychoeducational assessments, which aim to clarify factors that may get in the way of effective learning such as learning disorders, intellectual disability, memory concerns, difficulties with attention, difficulties organizing thoughts and behaviours, mental health challenges.
  • Psychometry for psychodiagnostic assessments, which aim to clarify mental health and other life factors that may get in the way of functioning and thriving such as anxiety, depression, trauma, difficulties coping, interpersonal concerns, personality concerns, difficulties completing activities of daily living, substance use, self-harm, and more.

Nicole provides assessment services to adolescents, young adults, and adults. Nicole provides a comprehensive assessment and report which covers clients’ important background history, strengths, challenges, information about how clients are feeling or functioning relative to others in their circumstance, relevant diagnoses, and recommendations of what clients may need to be best supported moving forward. Clients are provided with a personal feedback meeting to explain the findings of the assessment, and to ensure that the report resonates with them.

Clients (or parents of clients) may share the assessment reports with teachers, doctors, psychiatrists, allied health professionals, university accommodations departments, coaches, and/or caregivers, as reports are a valuable  tool in ensuring that everyone involved in the client’s life is on the same page. These reports can be used to guide supports or accommodations that are needed, point towards what type of treatment may be most helpful for the client’s circumstances, and provide clarity around the factors that are impacting the client’s functioning.

Nicole leads her clinical work with genuineness and empathy, and focuses on understanding her clients’ experiences, strengths, and values. Nicole works from a collaborative approach and provides tools and strategies for clients to harness their strengths and address their concerns.



Association of Behavioral Cognitive Therapy (student member)

University of Victoria Centre for Youth and Society (student affiliate)

Psi Chi – University of Victoria Chapter (student member)

PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology, University of Victoria
Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology, University of Victoria
Honours Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of British Columbia Okanagan